Thursday, December 31, 2009

Gym Hell...

I was in the school big gym Mr. Utter had us all run around the gym carrying red brick cubes and for us to get ready for "The Big Run" I took 34** (The *'s are unknown numbers) Rads like in fallout 3. Mr. Utter said it's to make sure we aren't playing fallout 3 and instead resting for "The Big Run" I got pretty tired when running. The old P.E. Aids handed us the red brick cubes when we were running and various other objects like fold-able chairs and white cubes I held 2 cubes in my shirt when running.

Next Dream...

I somehow met this girl and I liked her we were walking through a haunted bookstore or library and faces were appearing everywhere she ran off alone to do something and then we met up and left. It was daylight outside in the what I assume is a parking lot I think there was a dumpster beside us. We went to her house which was one of the apartments from across the street of our house. There was a police car with its lights flashing on the street facing her house. We stood behind it but she walked up to it to see who's inside while I said "No!" She then walked back to me and then I suddenly became her.

I walked to her house and inside was really weird I can't describe it. It was kind of messy and the roof was two big boards making a triangle above the living space but your head easily touched the ceiling. I took a chunk out of it because I think I was in trouble (Remember I am the girl here) I got yelled at by her mom because I think she said "YOUR FATHER WORKED REALLY HARD FOR THAT ROOF!" Or something like that so I think I ran away.


Next Dream... Mom finally gave birth to a baby girl! And Praline was made into a LOLcat!

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