Thursday, November 26, 2009

Start of Dream Journal and Introduction to Lucid Dreams

Well I'm not sure what to write right now since I haven't been asleep yet. But I shall explain my plans to try and induce lucidity tonight. Actually, I suppose I will try and define what a "lucid dream" is. Through my research (i.e. Wikipedia).

A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he or she is dreaming. When the dreamer is lucid, he or she can actively participate in and often manipulate the imaginary experiences in the dream environment. Lucid dreams can seem extremely real and vivid depending on a person's level of self-awareness during the lucid dream.

There are a quite a few ways people have achieved lucid dreams. But here are some of the more common ones.

A dream-initiated lucid dream (DILD) starts as a normal dream, and the dreamer eventually concludes that he or she is dreaming.

A wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state with no apparent lapse in consciousness.

A mnemonic-initiated lucid dream (MILD) can happen when the dreamer intentionally affirms to himself or herself that he or she will become lucid during the upcoming sleep. Reaching lucidity can sometimes occur due to dream-signs or spontaneously upon remembrance.

And another is the WBTB (Wake Back To Bed) Technique has actually worked for me on several occasions. And I'm sure you have experienced this without knowing. Here is an example situation: It's your day off and the sun shines through the windows it wakes you up and you are incredibly drowsy. You go to the bathroom and try to watch television or check facebook but too tired you go back to bed and you near instantly go to sleep.

Then somehow you realize you are sleeping... Everything is black... You can control your breathing somewhat and if you live with other people you can shout at them "WAKE ME UP! WAKE ME UP!" And sometimes you hear them responding (Actually they are not really responding and you aren't shouting. Your brain just creates the simulation for you.)

However you CAN wake yourself up. You tense your muscles and try to jerk yourself around and it seems to take an incredible amount of energy. But eventually you jerk yourself awake. What just happened was your brain was active while your body fell asleep . I know sounds crazy right? You were so tired you went into a deep state of relaxation. And if you wish to enter a lucid dream you can use this state to your advantage! If you want to know more about the WBTB technique read this tutorial.

Well now that we've got that all covered I will continue to explain to you what I was going to do tonight... I am planning... To eat... An enormous amount of cheese! Yes, Cheese... I don't know either I just read it somewhere and I conveniently have a half block of cheese in my refrigerator so good night everyone!

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